Zonjić, M. “Lighting the Box on Fire: Pedagogy of care within university spaces and beyond.” (2024, in press). Book Chapter In University – Power – Knowledge: Postcolonial, Feminist, and Participatory Perspectives in the Context of Academic Teaching, Eds. Bading, C. and Panenka, P. Springer.
Stupples, P., Zonjić, M., Malifa, E., Kale, A. and A. Motu. (2023). “Whose Lens? Gender behind the camera in Pacific film-making”. Cultural Trends.
Zonjić, M. (2021). Framing violence: the politics of representing embodied trauma in feminist geographic film. Area, 53:3, p. 543-552.
Kindon, S., and Zonjić, M. Participatory Video. (2021). Richardson, D., Castree, N., Goodchild, M., Kobayashi, A., Liu, W. and R. Marston (eds). The Wiley-AAG International Encyclopaedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell. New York.
Zonjić, M., Baker-Wanhalla, C., Cooper, S., Dobbs, O., Gellen, R., and Hawkins. C. (2021). Paying it forward to solve period poverty in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Pedagogies and politics of care, community, and academic activism. Art & the Public Sphere, 10:2, p. 157-164.
Zonjić, M. (2019). Framing Paradise and its Silences: ‘Tropicalisation’, Environmental Degradation, and Feminist Documentary Film in Utila, Honduras. [Doctoral dissertation – 100,000 word written exegesis and feature-length documentary film, Victoria University of Wellington].
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2018). Postcards from Utila [Feature-length Documentary Film]. Aguacatero Films.
Zonjić, M., and Kindon, S. “Erasure in/for Paradise: racialised dispossession for tourism development in Utila, Honduras”.
2022 Co-Presenter (with Chloe Te Moananui), “Big Things, Complex Shadows: investigating intersecting stories of place, identity, and erasure through large roadside sculptures in Aotearoa”, New Zealand Geographical Society Conference (NZGS), University of Canterbury, Aotearoa (forthcoming)
2022 Presenter (and Session Chair), “Big Things, bigger shadows? Questioning whose stories are told through large roadside sculptures in Aotearoa”. Feminist Geographies Conference, University of Colorado, USA (virtual)
2021 Invited Speaker, Virtual Literature Review on gender-based violence during data Collection: Session 3, Women Doing Fieldwork Network, Queen Mary University of London, UK (virtual)
2021 Session Co-convener (with Dr Polly Stupples and Dr Jessica Jacobs) Film, geography, practice, politics: navigating the borderlands of film production, Royal Geographical Society Conference (RGS), London, UK (virtual)
2021 Co-Presenter (with Paola Díaz), “Identity, intersectionality, and interdisciplinarity: unpacking positionality on the set of Postcards from Utila documentary film”, Royal Geographical Society Conference, London, UK. (virtual)
2021 Panelist, Discussion: Film, geography, practice, politics: navigating the borderlands of film production, Royal Geographical Society Conference, London, UK. (virtual)
2020 Session Co-convener (with Prof Sara Kindon and Dr Mairéad de Róiste) Visual geography: exploring visual methods in geography through participatory video, documentary, virtual reality, mapping, and other techniques, New Zealand Geographical Society Conference (NZGS), Wellington, New Zealand
2020 Presenter, “Framing violence: the politics of representing embodied trauma in feminist geographic film”, NZGS, Wellington, New Zealand
2019 Invited/funded Participant / Presenter, “Publishing in radical geography” panel, 7th Institute for the Geographies of Justice, Antipode Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico
2018 Invited/funded Presenter, “Tropicalisation, Dive Tourism & Environmenta Sustainability in Utila, Honduras: a feminist discourse analysis of the island’s promotional ephemera”, Geographies of Disruption Symposium, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
2018 Presenter, “A Feminist Perspective on Representation, Staged Tropicality, and Environmental Sustainability through the production of a feature-length documentary film” (in Spanish and English), Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines Conference (CEAD), Santiago, Chile
2018 Presenter, “Postcards from Utila: a feminist approach to documentary filmmaking”, Feminist Engagements in Aotearoa: 125 years of Suffrage and Beyond Conference, Wellington, Aotearoa
2017 Panelist, “The Humanities are Dead! Long Live the Humanities!”, Inaugural Panel, SEFTMS Post-graduate Conference, VUW
2016 Curator and Judging panelist, “Eyes of Utila”, Photography exhibition, Utila, Honduras
2016 Presenter, “Postcards from Utila: The Challenge of Conserving Beyond the Postcard.” Council for Latin American Studies of Asia and Oceania Conference (CELAO), VUW
2016 Presenter, “Postcards from Utila: Tourism Representation, Staged Tropicality and Environmental Degradation.” Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia Conference (AILASA), Massey University at Albany, Auckland
2011 Panelist, “A Very Wide Threshold: Bridges to Communication, Paths of Healing”, DOC NOW Documentary Media Festival, Toronto, CanadG3

Zonjić, M., Baker-Wanhalla, C., Cooper, S., Dobbs, O., Gellen, R., and Hawkins, C. (2022). “Period Poverty and Pedagogy of Care”. Progress in Political Economy [online blog].
Zonjić, M, quoted in: (2020, Oct 27). Christchurch charities benefit from UC students’ fundraiser. New Zealand Herald.
Zonjić, M. (2020, June 8). On Houseplants and Care. Pantograph Punch.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2020). In the Land of the Swamper and En la Tierra Del Swamper [Online film screenings for COVID-19 environmental education programme]. Utila Primary Schools, Utila, Honduras.
Zonjić, M. (2018). Tropicalisation, Dive Tourism, and Environmental Sustainability in Utila, Honduras: a discourse analysis of the island’s promotional ephemera [Geographies of Disruption Podcast], Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Zonjić, M. (2017). Postcards from Utila: tourism representation & environmental degradation [short film, online]. Royal Society Te Apārangi NZ Early Career Researcher Forum: 150 Years of Discovery.
Zonjić, M. (Photographer). (2015). Postcards from Utila [Solo month-long exhibition: 54 large-scale photographs and a multimedia essay]. Museum of National Identity, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2015). En la Tierra Del Swamper [Film screening], Mujeres Detrás de las Cámaras (Women Behind Cameras), Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Zonjić, M. (Photographer, writer). (2014, Oct 29). In the Land of the Swamper [photography essay, online]. Ryerson Folio, Toronto, Canada.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2014). In the Land of the Swamper [Film screening]. HQTV Cable, Utila, Honduras.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2014). In the Land of the Swamper [Film screening]. Reef Cinema,Utila, Honduras.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2013). In the Land of the Swamper [Film screening, winner of ‘Best Film’ in Endangered Ecosystems Category]. Wildlife Conservation Film Festival, New York Institute of Technology Auditorium, New York, USA.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2013). In the Land of the Swamper [Film screening]. Cor3 Festival, Monkey Island Centre, Roatan, Honduras.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2013). In the Land of the Swamper / En la Tierra del Swamper [Short Documentary Film]. Aguacatero Films.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2013). Last Woman Standing [Film screening]. Lost Episodes Film Festival, Bloor Cinema, Toronto, Canada.
Zonjić, M. (Director). (2012). Fin Free Short Film [Film screenings]. Beneath the Waves Film Festival, screenings across USA.
Zonjić, M. (2012, fall/winter). Postcards from Utila. Verge Magazine [Feature article and photography]. Canada. Print.
Zonjić, M. (2011). Remembering Guatemala [Feature Article and Front page photography in community newspaper]. Surface & Symbol, 22, Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Print.
Zonjić, M. (Photographer). (2009). Remembering Guatemala [Photography exhibition]. Underexposed, Beaver Hall Gallery, Toronto, Canada.